Unboxing a 160,000 BTU Double Tree-Style Crossfire Burner
So excited to unbox this beautiful Double Tree Crossfire burner from Warming Trends! This burner is brand new. You’ve seen that a Single Tree burner is perfect for pretty much any rectangular or linear applications. The Double Tree is a new configuration extending and adding additional jets inside. It’s a different kind of flame but still works very well with square and rectangular configurations.
Pictured below is the burner. This particular one is not a very large gas burner; however, these guys can reach up to 59 inches in length. It is similar to the Original Tree in that it has “branches” spaced regularly along the length of it. The difference between the Original and the Double is the spacing of the jets. The Double Tree has two jets per side. Hence the “double” in its name.
Our order of the Double Tree Crossfire Burner came with a standard flex line kit. This is a ¾ flex line kit with a fit 180. You can see as usual 36 inch whistle-free, stainless steel flex line kit. It comes with a 4 inch and a 12 inch key and all of the necessary parts and the key valve.
As usual when you receive your Double Tree Crossfire burner you have specified whether it’s natural gas or propane. The difference is in the jets. When it arrives it will have a tag “liquid propane” or “natural gas” and an appropriate fitting if necessary to go from the bottom of the burner to the plate.
If you order the burner and a plate, the burner will come mounted already to the plate. They come assembled. You can order burners, plates, flex line kits, and other options.
The Double Tree Burner is a great product. It’s made from high-quality brass and will last you a lifetime. It’s a great investment if you want to spruce up your old fire pit or build a new one.